Looking to Explore your 


with Alcohol?

You aren't ruining your life with alcohol. But, if you've had a little voice inside questioning alcohol's place in your life, you've come to right place. Gain confidence in doing what's best for you and discover your own truth.
Let's Chat

Looking to Explore your 

Relationship with


You aren't ruining your life with alcohol. But, if you've had a little voice inside questioning alcohol's place in your life, you've come to right place. Gain confidence in doing what's best for you and discover your own truth.
Get Started

Feel confident and at ease in social settings —gain clarity in all areas of life

Show up for the people you love in a way that aligns with your values

Manage stress and prioritize your well-being in a healthy way

Are you a gray-area drinker?

You aren’t sure if you really have a problem. You just know your life could be better if you drank less. That's worth exploring. 

You don’t like how you feel after drinking. And you definitely don’t like the impact it’s having on your physical and mental health. You want to drink less. (Maybe even not at all.) But your social life and free-time is wrapped up with alcohol. You’re ready to create a life that prioritizes your health while still enjoying your social life. 

Most people think that it should be easy to quit if you don't have a problem. But it’s hard to stop when everyone around you drinks and when everyone expects you to drink becuase that's what they are used to. What will they think if I don't drink? What will I say? How will I make them feel like I'm not judging them? How will I socialize with co-workers or catch up with old friends? What will I do to unwind? How will I go on vacation?

But you know what?

You CAN drink less and still enjoy life. In fact, life opens up and so does your time when your only hobby is drinking.

The truth is, most people don’t care if you don’t drink. Getting out of your head and creating new stress relievers is the real barrier. 

Find the confidence to escape the social pressures — so you can finally put your needs first. 

Truthfully, I’ve been exactly where you are.

I know what it’s like to crave a change, to desire a healthier and happier lifestyle. But I also know what if feels like to back slide and to feel the shame of drinking too much even when you said you wouldn't. That's why I’m here to support you every step of the way — it's not really about the alcohol. It's about growing the confidence to do exaclty what you want to do. Drink less or not at all. 


Although, that first glass of wine can numb those negative emotions and experiences, it also numbs the amount of joy you can experience.


With our guidance and mentorship, you'll gain the tools and strategies to navigate social situations with ease, find alternative ways to unwind and relax, and embrace a life that puts your well-being first. We'll show you that there's a whole world of possibilities beyond drinking, where you can truly thrive.

Together, we'll break free from the regular habit of alcohol. Our approach is judgment-free, supportive, and tailored to your unique journey. We give you space to explore your relationship with alcohol so you can decide what you really want.

So, if you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, then you're in the right place.  

Welcome to a community of women that are desiring to drink less and live more.


Get Started

Enjoy hangover-free weekends

Full of peace

Get back your energy

Feel more connected to those around you

Get more done in less time

Feel confident socializing as yourself — without using alcohol as a crutch

Put yourself
first ALWAYS

Put yourself first ALWAYS

Create a life that aligns with your goals and values

Tired of going through the same cycles?

Let’s help you find peace.

Step 1: Listen to yourself

It all starts with listening to that inner knowing and gaining clarity on what you want for this one beautiful life. Whether you want to drink less or completely quit drinking — it’s important to be intentional. Otherwise you find yourself opening that bottle of wine and not even realizing it. 

Step 2: Get tools and support for growth

Our programs are all about your personal growth. It's less about alcohol and more about you using more of your potential. 

It's time to take control, put your needs first, and live with intention.

Step 3: Enjoy a truer version of you

You’re taking charge of your health, feeling confident, and finding balance. 

You’re creating a FULL life aligned with your desires… better health, consistent energy, and putting you first.

You don't have to quit forever (unless you want to)

Ways to explore life with less alcohol

Try our 14-Day Break from Booze


The 14-Day Guided Experiment Includes…

  • 14-days of compassionate support and guidance
  • Daily audio clips to guide you every single day

  •  A workbook to reflect on your “findings” and jot down any patterns or thoughts

  • Gain momentum when you are feeling alone and stuck
Join Now for Only $37

Drink Less Live More 90-Day Digital Program


Everything you get…

  • 90 Days of transformative lessons and motivation

  •  Compassionate support throughout the ENTIRE challenge

  •  Weekly videos to guide you through those not so talked about reasons you are drinking more than you want to

  •  Tools and Resources to guide you through every step 

  • Custom journal to help you reflect on a deeper level and get to the root cause of your drinking
  • PLUS…  Exclusive access to our supportive community — filled with people on the same journey 
Join Now for Only $397

1:1 Coaching


If you've already taken breaks and found yourself right back where you started, you may need a more individual solution.

In each session, we…

  • Spend 45-minutes discovering the deeper thought patterns that have you stuck

  •   Help you develop the skills, techniques, and tools to manage your stress that aren't alcohol

  •  Discover what you really enjoy again

  •  Enneagram typing session along with my 120-page Enneagram guidebook

Learn More

Drink Less Live More Community

Join the Drink Less Live More Community for Exclusive Resources, Monthly Masterclasses & Coaching, Ongoing Encouragement, and Sustainable Transformation.

✓ Monthly 30-minute Masterclass, hosted by Rachel, on topics including Resilience, Guilt Cleanse, Enneagram, and so much more!

âś“ 1 hour of LIVE Group Coaching each month

âś“ Exclusive Content & Resources to help you extend your Soberish journey

âś“ Weekly Accountability with text message check-ins from Rachel

âś“ Community Support with tons of other women on a similar journey

PLUS — You’ll access the entire Drink Less Live More Challenge content over 3 months!

Join Now for Only $97/month

Check out what people just like you have achieved through our programs

Overall, I’m learning through your “drink less live more” program that I no longer want to drink so much that I get to the “tuning out” phase and I’m numb to my feelings. I want to be present, and if I do decide to have a drink, it will be more “sipping” a drink and not mindlessly drinking and wonder how in the world I just had 3-4 glasses so quickly. 

- Renay R.

I have been listening to your podcast for a while now. It's been really great to hear your story and get your advice to help with my own AF journey. I just finished your 14 day break from Booze program which was super helpful. Admittedly I was already a month or so in when I started it and took longer than 14 days to complete due to work travel and life but it was so so great and gave me even more motivation. Thank you! 

- Melissa T.

I work with women who have experienced trauma and often run drinking to deal with it. While I'm in more of a gray area of drinking, I've noticed my own healthy behavior with wine. Working with Rachel has helped me with understanding the "why" through the Enneagram and it's helped me help my clients!

- Meredith G.

Test the waters and find your truth.
Discover if mindful drinking is possible for you.

Use the Proven Techniques to take the power back from alcohol
with Our FREE Drink Planner!
(this is not for someone diagnosed with a severe alcohol use disorder)
  • Become aware of your drinking patterns and triggers 

  • Discover your drinking limit

  • Recognize the root cause of your drinking 

  • No quitting. No cutting back. No shaming.

  • Just becoming mindful around your drinking behavior.

Test the waters.
Discover what mindful drinking feels like

Use the Proven Techniques to take the power back from alcohol
with Our FREE Drink Planner!
  • Become aware of your drinking patterns and triggers 

  • Discover your drinking limit

  • Recognize the root cause of your drinking 

  • No quitting. No cutting back. No shaming.

  • Just becoming mindful around your drinking behavior.

Hey, I’m Rachel Pritz! 

Life Coach, RN, MSN, and Founder of Soberish

Truthfully, I thought of myself as a “normal” drinker… until November 2020. 

Long story short, I had some lab work come back that was abnormal. I felt awful. I knew 6 months of daily drinking was the culprit. This was serious.

I dug in deep and finally did the hard work. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun. Through my journey, I identified 4 Pillars of Success with cutting back or quitting drinking altogether.  Emotional Intelligence, Self-Love & Compassion, Soul-Care, and Self-Awareness. (I’ll teach you all about these.)

The thing is, the fear of totally quitting forever is paralyzing  — so many people don't seek support. Especially, if you’re not an alcoholic… but you do think drinking is problematic for you. It’s a tough spot to be in. And a spot many of us are in. 

That’s why I created my programs. I looked all around to find gray area drinkers like me and couldn't find support. It was all or nothing, and that way of living has never served me well. I'll give you the tools and clarity to choose what's right for you, based on my own journey and learning. We'll retrain your brain to not view alcohol as a reward and find the truth. Alcohol is rarely ever a true reward. 

No judgments. No hard and fast rules. Just exploring on your own terms. 

You’re not powerless over alcohol. We just need to take re-wire your thoughts and feelings around alcohol and how you manage your stress. 

If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, join me. If I can break up with Chardonnay, anyone can.

Join the Community 

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